Tuesday, September 10, 2013

So...just what is going to happen on Saturday?

We hope you all know that this coming Saturday, September 14th, the first celebration of the Art of the Boat is going to happen in Coupeville.  If not, time to get on board!
Yes, the boats are coming, we have some really unusual and interesting vessels, some beautiful vessels, some handmade vessels on the way.  In other words, something for everyone.  But, we have more than boats.  Below you will find a map showing the locations of events and a listing of those events, the listing shows events by time and by location.  So, check it out! The committee for
Coupeville celebrates the Art of the Boat looks forward to seeing you soon!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The BOATS are coming to Coupeville!

We are working hard to get ready for the first celebration of the Art of the Boat.  A goodly number of boats will be on display throughout the town.  Here are a couple of images to wet your appetite!
Joe Walck's beautiful handmade Kayaks will be there! copyright 2013, all rights reserved, J. Walck

Classic wherry, a traditional yawlboat built by a master boatbuilder will be there! copyright 2013, all rights reserved, C. Acord

A complete listing of events will be posted soon.  Remember, if you can help, please volunteer a few hours, and receive a poster signed by the artist.  To sign up e-mail Art of the Boat @ g mail . com (take out the spaces, you know the drill)
Looking forward to seeing you soon!